
  • NOVO! MEAN WELL PLM 12/25 LED napajanje

    Nakon lansiranja 40W AC/DC ekonomičnog LED napajanje PLM-40 serije, MEAN WELL dodatno je lansirao 12W/25W LED napajanje s PFC funkcijom  PLM-12/25 serije, za potrebe LED rasvjete  slabije snage. Uz 110~295V AC ulaznog  raspona, obje serije imaju 4 vrste izlaza istosmerne struje od 350 do 1050mA. Sa "single stage PFC circuit" designom, PLM-12/25 serija su troškovno učinkovita rješenja, kako biste dobili  visoke vrijednosti PF-a (PF> 0,9). Oni su također u skladu s harmonijskim ograničenjem struje po EN61000-3-2 klasa C te ako ispunjavaju sve opće uvjete osvjetljenja. Cijeli niz značajki potrošnju energije <0.5W te startno vrijeme <500ms, u skladu su sa svim  propisima ERP zahtijeva Europske unije za rasvjetna tijela.
  • MEAN WELL NEL 200~400 serija

    After releasing HSP-150/250 and HDP-190/240, the high performance sign panel power supplies, Mean Well unveils the 200~400W ultra low profile economic sign panel power supply, NEL-200/300/400 series. The NEL series adopts the 30mm ultra low profile design that allows the height and weight of the sign module to be lowered, lessening the manufacture cost as well as relieving the inconvenience from installation. In addition, this series incorporates non PFC design, achieving a high efficiency up to 87% with a low cost that it enhances the system performance, and achieves energy saving and electricity expense reduction. The whole series takes the input range between 180VAC and 264VAC; the output voltage of 2.8V/4.2V/5V are provided that the sign panel driver ICs of both the old and the new generation can work with, greatly raising the system design flexibility.